It’s time for a holiday party!

Yes it’s another Donna Karan piece. And yes, it’s red. Isn’t that what the holidays are for? Red clothes? And blue clothes? And gold clothes? Just as long as there is adequate bling? LOLOL. One of my most awesome friends is having a party this weekend for her birthday and it’s going to be a cocktail attire shindig. I was looking for a cocktail dress for the event and I found a whole lot of strapless and sleeveless numbers. They have been beautiful, but we’ve been having this bone chilling winter. I’m glad I am a big believer in capes and wraps.

I wonder if I take you home…


Filed under songs I knew all the words to growing up (but would NEVER let my folks hear me singing).Not to mention songs that I better not hear my kids singing. LOL.

Isn’t it cute? I don’t know what it is about red pieces in the Fall but for the last couple of years I’ve looked outside and decided to get a coat or a sweater or a bag or something red. It just really blended well with the leaves and left me feeling energized. I think a year or so after I got my first red coat, Little A decided it was not for her, which is sad because she looks stunning in it (she makes exceptions for really princessy taffeta, satin and or lace dresses, but for the other stuff, I figure, more for me – somehow) We’ll definitely be wearing a lot of wool and flannel and thermal stuff this winter. Tomorrow, the highs won’t even reach 50.

It’s that time of the year again.

You know, that quiet before the storm that is the holidays… I’ve been looking for a black or glittery dress (and a very warm sweater because it has already started frosting and freezing out here) just in case I find myself needing one for a holiday function. I think Christmas is going to be simple this year (yet I have no idea where I’m going to be spending it – go figure – lol). I want to have a nice holiday and if we stay in town I want to see some of the sights, because there are a lot of neat things going on in town during the Holidays, you know, barring freakish snowstorms, because they have a way of shutting stuff down and making one not feel like going out, especially since it’s so, well, warm inside.

Standing out in a crowd.

I know that my wardrobe is pretty kid-friendly these days, but once upon a time I used to own some daring stuff. Every once in a while, I come across something that defies anything I could even dream up. These shoes just look impossible to me. They don’t even look uncomfortable. They look like there is no way anybody can stand, much less walk, in them. I’m still intrigued slightly, though, because I know I would NEVER forget seeing the person that ventures to wear them in public. I’m pretty sure I would not forget the spill the person wearing them would take, but don’t worry, I would have run out of harm’s way. 🙂 Little A is looking over my shoulder, and very interested as I type this post. I hope that she knows that there is no way she can wear these in her teenage years.