I am thankful


I am thankful that a lot of the hard things become easier with time.


I am thankful for wheels, because they make it easier to move a lot of heavy things.


I am thankful that God has been far more faithful with His blessings than I have been with these posts. Sheesh. My children are beautiful and strong people. They are not perfect and they have challenges in their growing up that I could not have imagined for myself, but they are all kind and they are all wonderful so I am thankful. I am thankful that I can still move forward in the face of change and adversity because 2017 and 2018 has brought me plenty of both. I’m still here. Though with a lot more gray hair than I had before. Since I feel I have earned them. I think I will keep them.


I am thankful for another day of life. I am thankful for the love of my family and friends. I am thankful that I am still learning and growing. I am thankful for the material provision in my life.

I am thankful for all of the great accidents of my life that really are not accidents, but they are divine opportunities and appointments.

I am thankful for every free moment I can get and every good idea I can jot down. I am thankful for beautiful weather that is not sweltering. Most of all, though, I am thankful for the blessing of new directions, even when they prove to be a lot of work. It is good work.

Thank You for a day without rain! Thank You for the constant reminders this weekend that I really need to slow down and observe what is going on around me and slow down some more before I act or speak. Thank You for all of the wise elders and teachers and mentors You placed into different stages of my life. 


I am thankful that things happen for a reason. The people who are in my life are there for a reason and the people who are not are not for a reason. I am thankful for doors that have closed and doors that are opening in my life. I am thankful that I am learning from my mistakes and trying harder not to repeat them.


I am so very appreciative of the fact that my husband is cooking and I am not 🙂



This evening, I’m extremely thankful for  Sinful Colors’ Gorgeous, which is on my toes. It’s a metallic teal. I saw it in the store and figured that it was an excellent way to end 2012 and kick off 2013. I’m thankful for the end of 2012 and all of the wonderful lessons it has brought me, the friends and family I continue to learn more about and from. I’m thankful for the hard times because I know that surviving them has brought something to my journey that I can hopefully share with those who are willing to avoid my mistakes. I’m thankful that most of the people I continue to meet are decent, kind, intelligent people who want to do what is right and what is best for their families and communities.  Amish friendship bread, chai mocha, waking up with the sound of the ocean, going to sleep to the sound of the ocean, the sound of my children laughing, going on dates with my husband again, my truth cards, my truth journal, being creative again, being inspired and being healed.


Ever since I can remember, there have been people who have come into my life and just shown kindness and generosity above and beyond anything I could have expected or hoped for. Last Saturday I met even more of them and all I can do is say, “Thanks so very very much!”  It is an aspiration of mine to touch the hearts of others in the same way.


Today did not start off as a perfect day, but it didn’t freak me out. I just did the things that I needed to get done anyway. I’m thankful for being in a place in my life where I am open to learning to extend grace and acceptance in the face of the bumps I encounter in the road called my life. I have been blessed so greatly, it’s the least I can do.


My calendar is full, but that means that I am moving forward in an organized fashion. I am thankful for this. I am also thankful that I am becoming better and better at keeping things off of the calendar that are not the best for me. Here’s to more balance!


Yesterday I spoke to my dad. We had a good conversation about stuff that’s going on in Louisiana and stuff that’s going on in the Pacific Northwest and the stuff that goes on everywhere. My parents are so awesome. They are not perfect (and they’ll be the first to tell you this), but they are great people. I have been a parent for a while now, and I still marvel at what they accomplished and instilled in my siblings and me and the balance they maintained in their own lives. I know that sometimes they feel like I don’t pay attention to them, but I do and I’m extremely thankful to have them as a guiding force in my life.


Hey Everybody! Welcome to my thankful page! It’s going to be front and center until Labor Day. I’ll probably be adding to it (definitely will be thankful to sit down and have a QUIET cup of coffee). I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life, including and especially you awesome individuals who have been coming over here for the past SEVEN years! You have given me encouragement, laughs and even a few worked my nerves, but all of you have given me something to think about. I’m definitely blessed 🙂 Thank you!


I have not always been appreciative of my neighbors, but today I saw how helpful they are to me and all I could do was cry and thank God and resolve that I will be more helpful to them.

There have been moments during this Summer when I felt that my kids were testing my nerves, but today, right now, I am thankful for all of them and thankful they are here with me. I am thankful for their strengths and their weaknesses. For the demands they place in my life and all of the moments of joy they have given me. I am thankful.


I have been on quite a few field trips to the zoo with my children. Sometimes all of them have come. Sometimes one or two of them have come, but it never gets old to them. It never gets old to me either. I am thankful for this.


Today was off to a really rough start. I was dealing with disagreeable people and feeling like so much work I’ve been doing lately for the good of my family was for naught. Then my phone rang and it was my cousin. I’ve been lackluster in the keeping in touch department, but I was so glad to speak to him. I feel a lot better. I’m so thankful for all of the times that God has dropped a person onto my path when things started to look bleak. Now back to work.


I know it appears that I haven’t been thankful  in almost a year, but I have. I’ve just been doing a lot of writing in a lot of places, so I’ll just start with being thankful for that. I’ve been taking writing classes to get into the practice of writing things that people want to read as opposed to the stuff I want to write, which is well and good, but not best for the goals I have.  I had an awesome Easter and as always I’m thankful for my family and friends and all of the incredible blessings in my life.  I can’t believe that Max is going to be a first grader in the Fall, Little A will be in second grade, Nat will be in his second year of junior high and Al will be one step closer to high school graduation (I should have an I survived Freshman Year t-shirt and hat, because it’s been a REAL journey). I’m thankful that I have friends I can talk to when things get rough, too.


We have had so many special and great people in our lives this school year. There have been wonderful teachers, classroom assistants, principals, bus drivers, just wonderful people who have been helpful in the growth of my children. I may not have had the opportunity to thank each of them, but they have been a blessing in my life. I really look forward to the new people we will meet and interact with in the Fall.


Spring cleaning will be over soon! and my mother will be here and we’ll be able to celebrate Easter and my birthday! I’m so thankful for that. Spring Break is over and I am very thankful for that. We had a really nice time together (although it was a bit cold for us to go out and do something after the whole flu episode), but they miss their friends and routines.

03/08/2011 Mardi Gras

It is not raining, right now, at this moment. I appreciate this fact. I’m learning a new computer program which may provide a couple of great opportunities to do great things and have great experiences. I’ve also been extended an opportunity to share some things I have learned with others who will definitely benefit from those lessons. It is going to be a challenge to make room for all of these great opportunities (and a possible new hobby and new levels to old hobbies). I’m thankful that I feel a lot better than I felt yesterday and I can actually get a couple of things completed soon.

11/11/10   Veteran’s Day

So much has changed in the past two months. I have met some extraordinary people at my church and really spent time getting to know them. I’ve really begun to take taking care of myself seriously again. I’m exercising and watching what I eat way more closely. I’m not where I want to be but I’ve achieved so much in the past two months that I did not even think was possible for myself. On this day and every day,  I’m so grateful for the sacrifices made for the freedoms I enjoy daily.


Right now I’m just sitting on my fitness ball, thankful for the quiet of the moment. Not thinking about what’s coming up next or what I need to complete in the next two days, I’m just thankful for right now. To be able to appreciate things as they are now, in their current state of imperfection, that’s big for me. I’m thankful for that, too.


I am thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met on my internet journeys and I am thankful for the opportunities to support causes and make positive change in the world that I have had during the past five years.


My life has changed a lot in the past year and a half. All of my kids are in school now. The house is empty for hours at a time.  Sometimes I feel lost, but I am thankful that my children are learning and growing. I am also grateful that I have had the opportunity to explore more of my own interests. I know this has been better for my family, too.


The roses still aren’t out yet, but we have had some beautiful tulips in our yard. I am thankful for my family and the wonderful people I have met and known and  loved during my life. This morning, I was out on a wild goose chase, but I really heard some great things on the radio, so it totally wasn’t a waste of time. I’m thankful for those kinds of things, too.


I’m thankful for the hike I took the kids on today. Some parts of my thighs and butt got worked kind of hard, but it was worth it. I think it was a challenge for the kids too, because when we went out to the next trail, they were like, “Um, we want to get back into the van.” LOLOL. I’m still thankful, though.